Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mazel Tov

March 31, 2016 wasn't a typical day for the family. We woke up like we usually do, got the kids to school and did our morning routine.
This is when the fun started to happen. The mom left to go get her hair done, taking the oldest girl with her to get her's done too. We picked up the kids from school early and got them in the van and all headed out to a very special event. Today was a wedding for the family aunt!
We drove to this pretty barn and reception center. We got the food unloaded and the kids out, and got them dressed. We had them play for a while, to keep them quiet and clean we had luckily brought the IPad to entertain 3 of the 4 kids. Although I ended up chasing after the baby.
Then the excitement began. The bride walked in and the family and friends all admired her. The people looked at the bride and admired her for her beauty and this special day she is having. It was a really cool to see that. After that, the groom came in with all the guys. The guys were in the barn doing something on the lines the girl did. After the guys came in the father of the bride gave a blessing to her.
Then the ceremony happened. We went to the barn and I was with the baby so I watched from a distance. The bride and groom were standing at the front and a rabbi was there and their was some sort of reading and speaking from people. At the end they stepped on glass and everyone said Mazel Tov.
We then went back to the hall and the food and dancing started. I got the kids to sleep then I got to participate. Apparently during that time they lift up the bride and groom on chair; which I missed. It went into the night and their was dancing and drinking. I had a great time.

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