Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Typical Weekend

For most people a weekend consists of sleeping in, relaxing, maybe doing household chores, spending time with friends/family, shopping and other excursions. My weekends consist of  whole different type of situation: I live with a Jewish family
It all starts on Friday morning.  Since their Sabbath starts on Friday night and goes until Saturday at sundown. My host family cooks and prepares food for Friday night. They have family come over for dinner for Shabbat, their day of rest. When the sun goes down they have dinner and enjoy the company of others. They have a meal and they have Kiddush, which is a blessing recited over wine or grape juice, and challah, a type of bread they eat with each meal. For Shabbat they restrain from electronics, using lights, using the stove/oven, dish washer, washing machine and other electrical everyday objects in the kitchen. They also don't do arts and crafts or write.
Saturday morning they get up and get ready for shul (synagogue or church). I get the opportunity to go to church with them. I really enjoy going as I learn what they learn and do as part of their culture and worship services. I go to the kids service, since I usually spend my time with them. After shul they go home and have another meal. For this meal most of the food is cold or they put it on a blech (its a hot plate). This day they also enjoy the company of friends or family. The kids mostly play games, read, and play with friends.
Shabbat goes until sundown on Saturday night. They precede to say a pray ending the day, which also ends their Shabbat. This ending allows them to go back to everyday activities. 
I really enjoy participating in the activity on the weekend. I get to learn a lot and see the different in the Jewish culture and the Mormon culture.

Also for Shabbat they put their fridge and stove in Shabbat mode. Its a feature on them that allows then not to be used.

1 comment:

  1. Shabbos with the Gross family is a day not to be missed! How lucky you are to do it every week! They are a wonderful family!
