Thursday, January 21, 2016

Adventures In Baltimore

After coming back from my Christmas break I got the opportunity to go out with friends. I got to go to Matthew's Pizza, which is a popular pizza place in Baltimore. I got a crab pizza. Crab pizza is just pizza with crab on it.  and it was amazing. I split half the pizza with a friend.

Our church put on a regional ice skating activity, so I got to go to that. The regional ice skating activity consisted of YSA (young single adults) from the Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas. It was fun meeting people. I met this gentleman who knew my brother from his mission. So that was cool; what a small world.
For Martin Luther King Day I got the day off. This gave me the opportunity to go to the Washington DC temple and do baptisms for the dead. The YSA couple missionaries (these are a couple missionary who are called to Maryland YSA area and are over the YSA in the area) invited me and I had a great time. We went with some of the guys from  the Navy academy in the Annapolis YSA ward.
Driving to the temple
Driving to the Temple

For FHE we played pudding Pictionary. It was a fun activity. Pudding Pictionary is where you draw pictures in pudding and the people on your team has to guess what you're drawing.

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