Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving In Virginia

For Thanksgiving weekend I wasn't able to go back to my family in Utah. I had to opportunity to go to my cousin's house in Virginia. It was so much fun. I left Thursday morning and had a blast driving through many new places.  I've never seen all the pretty sights, although I kept my eyes on the road. The drive was very green and pretty. I saw lots of pretty trees. Thursday I had Thanksgiving dinner with my cousin and her family. We sat down and ate dinner and talked. We went to the park and played. It was a nice day outside. It was 66 degrees, and was amazing.
                                    swings                                            playing with dolls
Friday we went bowling and my cousins once removed (my cousins kids) wanted to play. Afterwards my cousin showed me some makeup form the Mac make up store (nothing to do with apples) and more about how to wear makeup. We went to the Mac store and I got new makeup. Its a store that has lots of makeup and she showed me the good stuff.

My first Mac store visit

Saturday they do free activity at Home Depot so we went to that. The kids built money boxes.

 Sunday I went to church with them. The church they go to is by the Potomac River, that was really cool. After church I drove back to reality, oh wait I mean my job.

I had fun playing around with different hairstyles with an app on my phone.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Week of Fun

 There has been so much happening recently that I knew I need to get back to sharing all my experiences with those who follow me

On Wednesday it was my birthday. The family made me a homemade pumpkin pie. I got a cute card from the kids. That evening Miriam, the mother,  took me out to dinner with her sister. We went to a Tavern place I cant remember the name. It was amazing and I loved the food. I got prime rib and I got a virgin drink; it was just a lemonade. I was able try cream of crab soup and it was amazing. I loved it. I liked it since I've never tried it before.
(who are these people & where are you at?)

Funny face
My birthday dinner
My virgin drink (

Friday I got the opportunity to go to the aquarium with a friend (name friend, guy? girl?). It was so much fun. We saw all kind of fish and sea animals.  The National Aquarium houses several exhibits including the Upland Tropical Rain Forest, a multiple-story Atlantic Coral Reef, an open ocean shark tank, and Australia: Wild Extremes, which won the "Best Exhibit" award from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums in 2008. The aquarium also has a 4D Immersion Theater. The aquarium opened a marine mammal pavilion in 1990 and currently holds eight Atlantic bottle nose dolphins. There was different floor levels with animals on each. 
Level 1: Blacktip Reef
It contains 65–70 species, mostly fish (including blacktip reef sharks). One of the largest animals in the exhibit is Calypso, a 500-pound green sea turtle.
Level 2: Maryland: Mountains to the Sea
This level features animals that are native to Maryland.
Level 3: Surviving Through Adaptation On this level the fish possess adaptations that are needed to survive in their various environments. For example, the electric eel has the rare ability to shock its prey with electricity.
Level 4: Sea Cliffs, Kelp Forest, Pacific Coral Reef, Amazon River Forest
The displays include several aquatic habitats, including a sea cliffs exhibit, which houses several species of seabirds; a Pacific coral reef exhibit; a kelp forest exhibit; and an Amazon River forest exhibit, in which animals can be seen down in the water and up in the overlying foliage.
Level 5: Upland Tropical Rain Forest, Hidden Life
The Amazon rain forest comes to life with this level. It includes two elevated platforms for bird-watching and a cave of various glass enclosed displays of reptiles, amphibians, and terrestrial arthropods.

Shark Alley: Atlantic Predators

Dolphin Discovery

This exhibit houses the aquarium's eight Atlantic bottle-nose dolphins.
Jellies Invasion: Oceans Out of Balance
This temporary exhibit in the Pier 4 Pavilion building showcases nine different species of jellyfish.

On Saturday was my ward's Thanksgiving auction. I got to have a traditional Thanksgiving meal. We had a regular thanksgiving food. The people in the ward are super nice and will donate their time and efforts towards things. We did an auction for the House of Ruth and that was fun. The House of Ruth Maryland is one of the nation's leading intimate partner violence centers, helping thousands of battered women and their children find the safety and security that so many of us take for granted.

Sunday was amazing I got a prayer answered that I've been needed answered for a while.  I had an amazing spiritual experience on Sunday. The lesson that was given was an answer to my prayers

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Kosher Store and the Park

I got to go to my first Kosher grocery store with the family. It was a great experience. The first thing I noticed was how big is was. It was about the same size as the  Macey's stores in Utah. We walk and everything in there is Kosher, which was really cool. It was cool since everything in the store was Kosher. I had a fun time looking around and checking out the price difference from Utah to Maryland.
Then I got to go to a park nearby where I am staying. I didn't know what park to go to so I Googled it and found a park called Robert E. Lee Park. In 1917, the park was designated as Robert E. Lee Memorial Park after General Robert E. Lee, who commanded the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia during the American Civil War. This was done at the request of a wealthy Baltimorean, who required that when she died, the proceeds from the sale of her estate were to be used to erect a monument for Lee. It was really pretty. There were lots of pretty trails to walk on and a fun park to play in for kids. I found a cute pavilions and wrote in my journal and enjoyed the weather. The weather was really nice and sunny.
Fall Leaves

Fall Leaves

The thing scared me

Robert E. Lee Park

Robert E. Lee Park

Robert E. Lee Park

Robert E. Lee Park

Robert E. Lee Park

Robert E. Lee Park

Robert E. Lee Park

Robert E. Lee Park

Robert E. Lee Park

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Inner Habor adventure

Today, after work, I got to go on my first adventure alone. Someone suggested to go to Inner Harbor, so I did. The Inner Harbor is a historic seaport, tourist attraction, and landmark of the city of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. It was described by the Urban Land Institute in 2009 as “the model for post-industrial waterfront redevelopment around the world 
First, it was hard to find a place to park. I thought I could do a U-turn but then I would be going into ongoing traffic and I almost got hit. After that I finally found a parking place, although I had to pay $20 for it. Then I walked around, I found a couple of cute stores, looked at restaurants, that was fun. I found a fun place to eat lunch. I found a fun burger joint called shacks burgers. I got a pumpkin shake that was yummy.
After my parking meter was up I left (I had set a timer for myself to keep track). I wanted to go shopping more, so I put a shopping center into my Navigation and then I was going through some sketchy neighborhoods so I decided to put Wal-Mart into it.
After that I got caught in a rainstorm that was after I went into Wal-Mart. Eventually I found this cute mall; I got my first pedicure there. First they massages my feet and put different type of ointments and lotion. Then they painted then. After I got home I looked at my toe and some of the polish came off. That wasn't fun.  
Later that night went to FHE and we watched The Cokeville Miracle and that was fun; it was a really good movie too.
leaving the airport

my new bedspread

spelling Camille "Kamil"

Eating my burger

The Harbor

The Harbor

First Pedicure

The Harbor

The Harbor

The cool bridge

First synagogue

Add caption
The Spider I found at 7 am (2 quarters big)

First Utah License plate