Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving In Virginia

For Thanksgiving weekend I wasn't able to go back to my family in Utah. I had to opportunity to go to my cousin's house in Virginia. It was so much fun. I left Thursday morning and had a blast driving through many new places.  I've never seen all the pretty sights, although I kept my eyes on the road. The drive was very green and pretty. I saw lots of pretty trees. Thursday I had Thanksgiving dinner with my cousin and her family. We sat down and ate dinner and talked. We went to the park and played. It was a nice day outside. It was 66 degrees, and was amazing.
                                    swings                                            playing with dolls
Friday we went bowling and my cousins once removed (my cousins kids) wanted to play. Afterwards my cousin showed me some makeup form the Mac make up store (nothing to do with apples) and more about how to wear makeup. We went to the Mac store and I got new makeup. Its a store that has lots of makeup and she showed me the good stuff.

My first Mac store visit

Saturday they do free activity at Home Depot so we went to that. The kids built money boxes.

 Sunday I went to church with them. The church they go to is by the Potomac River, that was really cool. After church I drove back to reality, oh wait I mean my job.

I had fun playing around with different hairstyles with an app on my phone.


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