Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman and she decided to go for an adventure it all began on the tenth of the September of last year. She took a trip on an airplane soaring above the clouds; to a place far from the familiar Rocky Mountains of Utah. She packed up all of her things in 2 suitcases and moved to Maryland to become a nanny for what she soon found out to be an amazing family.
She was able to explore the area, going on many adventures to new states she's never been before; Pennsylvania, Washington D.C. and Virginia. She got to visit many new areas like the zoo, aquarium with many new animals as well as going to parks and enjoying the weather. She even go to go home for a few weeks for Christmas and stay a month of July.
She experienced the culture and the customs of the Jewish family she lived with by attending their synagogue, called Shul and got to witness a wedding.
She had an amazing time exploring the East Coast. The colors of the autumn, the 3 feet of snow in the winter, and the stunning flowers blooming in the springtime.
Throughout all these adventures it showed her so much about herself and she grew from it. She met new people, who became friends, and learned talents like patience that she never had before. she made new friends and learn new talents of being patient with the children. She grew so much and learned about the Jewish culture.
There were hard times as she met the challenges of this adventure. She knew that by being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints she could do anything. Throughout it all she know she could do anything with the Savior, as my relationship became stronger with Him.
She is so grateful for these experiences and the 4 amazing kids that love and adore her.
Thanks to everyone that made my year doing nannying amazing. To more months to come. I can't wait for more adventures and memories that will last a lifetime.
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