Sunday, September 13, 2015

I'm not in Utah

So I went to my first LDS singles ward in Baltimore. First I was late since I didn't know what time church started. Then when I got their I really didn't know what I should do. It was really different. Then after the closing hymn this person got up and said Amen. Then in Sunday school I met some new people which was nice. I'm hoping to get to know more people. After relief society I met the bishop and he was introducing me to people in the ward. With YSA wards you get ages 18-30; the bishop was saying pointing to a guy "this is my second counselor a pediatricians and single" ohhh the things about a singles ward. I am hoping to get to know more people. So I hope that will work. I am hoping to go to FHE each Monday if I not working.
After someone for the family picked me up and we drove home. Their are some very different type of neighborhoods. Some are really ruin down and some are really nice. It was really pretty I'm excited to get to know more about the area, it was really cool.

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