Friday, November 30, 2018

November... Snow, Birthday, Pie!

Well November has been an interesting and fun month.
On a Thursday November 15, 2018, it said it was going to snow. For the first part of the day it was good. Later I usually pick up two kids from school. I look at the clock and I decided to leave an hour before school got out. I usually leave about 20 minutes before school gets out. I'm driving, and since the roads weren't plowed, I ended up waiting for 2 hours since some cars got stuck and we were just waiting. Luckily I have a car that's good in the snow. I made it past that situation. Then I'm suppose to exit and it was just lines of cars I got stuck just waiting and waiting. I waited for hours just trying to get to their school. I made it to pick up the kids at a location that was safe. They ended up walking to a friend's house that was easier to get to. It took me 4 hours to pick them up. On the way home I was still stuck. There was a guy telling us to turn around so I did and I just found another way back home. It was a guy that was stuck in traffic ahead of me and he was being nice and saying to turn around or we would be waiting forever. He said it was a 2 hr wait. It took me 3 hours to get home. It was crazy. While being stuck I just parked and cleaned more snow off my car. I rolled down my window and talked with a guy in a car. Hey had to do something with my time.
The next day was a snow day. So I had fun and built a snowman with the girls.

Later in November it was my birthday. A friend and I bought tickets and we went to the Top of the Rock. The Top of the rock is one of the tallest places in New York and you can see the whole City. It was so beautiful. Its hard to describe but I hope the pictures do it justice. We went to lunch. We went to Time Square Diner and just had a fun birthday weekend. She also shares a November birthday.

Lastly, it was Thanksgiving weekend. The family I lived with went on vacation, so I asked a friend from the church I go to and I slept over with her for Thanksgiving weekend. Wednesday I took the train and walked to her apartment. We just had fun, talked, and watched Christmas movies. Thursday, we did some cooking. We made mashed potatoes, poke cake pumpkin style, and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade online. We were thinking of going, but it was super cold and we wanted to stay inside. For Thanksgiving dinner we walked to our Bishop's and had food at his apartment. It was nice since I got to get to know people in my ward better. Friday morning another girl in my ward came and stayed at my house, and we had fun. We did some Black Friday shopping. We went to Target, Mall and TJ Maxx. We went to a movie, Wreck It Ralph Breaks the Internet, and went out to dinner to Cosi. It's a soup, salad, and sandwich place. It was fun having a friend stay at my house.

Overall I had a fun November!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Summer in New York and Utah

In June I went and explored the city. I went to Artichoke Pizza and saw the High Line.  I had articoke pizza, so pizza with artichokes on it. I loved it. If anyone comes to visit I would suggest it.  "The High Line is a 1.45-mile-long elevated linear park, green way and rail trail. It was created on a former New York Central Railroad spur on the west side of Manhattan in New York City." (Wikipedia) I also went to the Pint Shop. The Pint Shop is an ice cream shop museum. It was so fun. I like the different flavors and you can try all 7. The flavors are Vanillionaire: plain vanilla, Cherrylicious: tastes like cherry, Churro Churro: basically ice cream with churro flavoring and has churro chunks, Chocolate Chrush: chocolate flavored, Pinata: this one had cookie pieces, sprinkles, wafer cookies in it, Sprinkle pool: ice cream with sprinkles, and last Nana Banana: banana flavored. I liked the churro. My favorite part of the museum was the place you could take pictures in a fake cherry.

For most of June and July I had to work so I stayed in New York. For the 4th of July, I did go across the east river and watched the fireworks from the other side. I went with a group from my ward and we had a BBQ. I enjoyed it a lot. I got to know more people in my ward and make new friends.

At the end of July the girls I nanny went to  a sleep away camp. The girls go to a sleep away camp in Pennsylvania and it's a Jewish camp for them so they like it.  I got a couple of weeks off. So I was able to fly back to Utah and spent the time with family.

The first week I was in Utah, I took the opportunity to make sacred covenants in the Draper, Utah Temple. This was my first time making these covenants and I have been able to review these covenants by going to other temples. It was such a great experience and I was able to come closer to my Heavenly Father.
Later I spent time with family and friends. I did take a weekend trip to Logan to visit my sister and some of my closest friends. It was nice hanging with friends. We went to a Rodeo, shopping, talked, and just had fun.
I got to see my nephew and babysat him, which was the best. I just love that boy so much. I babysat while is parents where at work, we went to park and played. My brother and sister in law came and we played in the backyard. He's a typical little boy and loves dirt.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Visit to Utah!

This past weekend my sister graduated from college. So I decided to fly home for the weekend. I left Friday night and arrived late around midnight.
Saturday morning I made a sign that says "Congrats USU Grad!"
My brother picked me up and I went up to the USU campus. I got to hang out with my cute nephew.
 It was fun watching her walk. Now we have 2 USU Grads in the family, my sister and myself.
I have a friend that lives there, so I went and visited her while up there. I also saw a friend that use to live in the same building as me so I talked with her.
Friend I saw Shari!
Friend Lacey!
They gave out Aggie Ice cream after the graduation, so that was fun and yummy. I got my favorite Aggie Blue Mint.
After we went to Maddox the restaurant. I got a petite fillet minon. It was yummy. My grandparents came and that was fun to see them.
After we went home and went to bed.
Sunday I went to church with my family and after had dinner then flew back to New York. It was a short but fun trip.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Wrong train, snow, Wicked. What do these 3 have in common?

These week was spring break and the family I nanny was on vacation so I decided to have a fun week.
I went to Times Square and met up with a friend from when I live in Baltimore and we did some shopping.
We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and we also found Jane's Carousel which was so much fun. It's a carved, wooden, 48-horse carousel that was built in 1922.  When carousel closed to the public in 1984, the carousel was bought at auction by Jane and David Walentas and moved to Brooklyn, New York for restoration. It was opened to the public at its new location in Brooklyn Bridge Park on the East River in Brooklyn on September 16, 2011. We went clothing shopping and went to sephora. We got lunch at McDonald's. 
Jane's Carousel 

Jane's Carousel 
Brooklyn Bridge 

Brooklyn Bridge 
I saw my first Broadway play Wicked. 
      "Wicked, the Broadway sensation, looks at what happened in the Land of Oz…but from a different angle. Long before Dorothy arrives, there is another girl, born with emerald-green skin—smart, fiery, misunderstood, and possessing an extraordinary talent. When she meets a bubbly blonde who is exceptionally popular, their initial rivalry turns into the unlikeliest of friendships…until the world decides to call one “good,” and the other one “wicked.” With a thrilling score that includes the hits “Defying Gravity,” “Popular” and “For Good,” Wicked has been hailed by The New York Times as “the defining musical of the decade.” Time Magazine cheers, “if every musical had the brain, the heart, and the courage of Wicked, Broadway really would be a magical place.”  From the first electrifying note to the final breathtaking moment, Wicked—the untold true story of the Witches of Oz—transfixes audiences with its wildly inventive story. It will send your spirits soaring to heights you’ll never forget. " -
We sat up in the back and I brought binoculars and it was fun to watch it up close and see the different parts moving and the band. I could see the costume up close which was cool. I like the popular songs. 

Saturday, for as part of my LDS religion, we have General Conference twice a year and where we listen to the prophets of our church, online or at the meeting houses, where we can listen to them speak. There are five sessions two each on Saturday and Sunday and one for either the men or the women on Saturday night.  ( 
Saturday I listen to General Conference with my friend Melissa for the first session. After she left and i enjoyed the Saturday. 
On Sunday I visited with my cousin, on my dad's side of the family, and her husband. I went to her place in the city to listen to conference. I got the opportunity to hear the prophet announce 7 new temples and change the Visiting Teaching/Home Teaching program to Ministering. 
Since we have a 2 hour break between sessions we went to Central Park and played Frisbee. It was my first time visiting it and it was fun. 
Monday through Thursday I took a bus and visited my last family I nannied and just had fun playing with the kids. We went to Port Discovery, a children museum. 
I did get to go to Chick-Fil-A, as there isn't any close to me in New York. 
On my travel back home I made it to Grand Central Station. I've never taken a train back from Grand Central back to my New Rochelle. I look at the list of trains on the signs and I get on the Stamford train. Well, what I didn't know is that there is a express train to Stamford and I got on that train by accident. Well, what I did is got off and then got back on again. Luckily I explained to the train conductor and I didn't have to pay again. 

Empire State Building