Sunday, March 22, 2020

My Experience with COVID-19

Recently lots of things have been going on in the world and in my life. I recently lost my job. I was lucky enough to find another job pretty quickly after I lost the other one. The only downside is it's in a school system. For now, I get to go in and clean lots of toys and help the headteacher clean and organize the classroom.

With the COVID-19 going around It has been a weird walking outside. With not working, I joined my mom on some errands. Going to Costco used to be a joy, with samples and people watching which I love to do. One week it was hectic with loads of people getting all they can, from people hoarding on bottled water and toilet paper too long lines checking out.
The next week we went back to Costco, we had to wait in a line to go in due to social distancing. It was such a different environment. The same goes for grocery stores and restaurants. I would rather stay home and know that I am safe from COVID-19. Well, I think I am.

On top of all of that, when I got ready for a normal Wednesday, March 18, 2020, I'm the last to leave for work. I was eating breakfast at my normal time around 7:00 am while watching YouTube and suddenly everything began to shake. I thought a big truck drove by, then I realized it was an earthquake and I suddenly hurried and got under the table; good thing I remembered what they taught me in elementary school. I called my parents to see if they were okay. I really didn't know what to do next. I  was in shock from everything that happened due to my anxiety. My sister's work closed due to the earthquake and she was sent home. So I felt better knowing that someone was home with me. I get a call from work saying not to go in. For the rest of the day, any noise scared me and I was trying to wrap my head around what happened that day. I still can't believe what happened.

I also heard stories from my family. With one of my sisters working close to the epicenter. Here is her story, in her words:

     "I was on the production floor helping one of the assemblers, as we have been trying to get as much product out as we can. The earth started to shake and I immediately reacted by getting under the workbench. The lady I was with froze, so I pulled her under the bench with me. She was very scared and I tried my best to calm her down. Once the shaking had subsided one of the leads yelled to get out of the building. I pushed the assembler to get going and ran out myself. Once we were all out we made sure we were all okay. The building was checked for damage before we were allowed to enter. There was minor damage, as a vase had fallen and broke. There was also a ceiling tile that had fallen as well as a few papers and other assorted objects. I was relieved that everyone was okay, as there were a few people still arriving. Trying to get back to work was difficult as we felt a few aftershocks. Finally, the plant manager told us to go home and be safe." 

I am grateful that I'm safe and that I am home with my family.